Stefan Banchev
Stefan Banchev lives and works in the town of Samokov. By carving engaged for 30 years. Professionally he works for 15 years. Admirer is the Samokov School of carving. In 1994. is the examination of the National Chamber of Crafts and gained a master certificate for carving wood. Made of carved wood panels for home interior, carved gifts for various occasions, picture frames and gobelins / over 500 /. He works mainly with lime. Used white pine, fir, etc.. Every year in March, participate in hunting exhibition in Plovdiv rack for hunting trophies for different game, and in September participated in the International Crafts Fair at the Etar.
Workshop: 2000 Samokov, Belmeken Str. 15
Tel.: 0898 95 71 41
Facebook: дърворезбар Стефан Банчев